Three Colored Squares

After Rain (2022)

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See You (2022)

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Pale blue (2021)

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EP1 (2021)

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The walk in falling leaves (2021)

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As Three Colored Squares, I record everything directly from hardware and in one take. This is The music in its raw, the way it’s been played in the moment, without the polished layers of effects and sophisticated sound design.

Live sessions


Amsterdam, 2023

Played a live set of unreleased music and on a Private party in Amsterdam in October 2023.

Live setup made of a laptop with Ableton Live and Teenage Engineering OP-Z

The other side

Amsterdam, May 2022

1-hour live set on Teenage Engineering OP-Z at the new club In houthavens, Amsterdam

Open source Radio

Nijmegen, 2022

1-hour live set on the volunteer-driven community radio. Mostly tracks from “After Rain” Fully played on Teenage Engineering OP-Z

Birdcage Radio

Utrecht, 2021

A session in the cozy studio of Birdcage radio. Tracks from not even released then “After Rain” album. 100% OP-Z

Hardware Jams

I publish rough sketches and short hardware jams.

I love digital gear for the level of control it provides and for its compactness.

Andrey Ozornin

Hi, I am Andrey Ozornin, the mind behind Three Colored Squares and Zero-sum game. I am based in Amsterdam, Netherlands where I come from Russia. Alongside playing niche electronic music, I create experimental audio software and jam with Hardware on youtube.

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